The India Energy Week 2025 exhibition was held, in which we participated by presenting the latest developments of the company. Our general manager...
We launched Aspro Financial Services
Purchasing Aspro equipment is now easier than ever. With our new line of financing, we connect you with strategic banks so you can access...
Compressco in Argentina
This year we proudly marked a significant milestone with the acquisition of Compresco in Argentina, further consolidating our position as...
Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Patagonia 2024
We are proud to have been part of the Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Patagonia 2024, a key event that brought together 335 companies in the sector and established itself as a space for exchange…
YPF Network Expo
On August 1 and 2 we were part of the fourth edition of Expo Red YPF, organized by the Association of YPF Operators (AOYPF). It was one of the most...
ENARGAS visited us
At Aspro we received the delegation from the National Gas Regulatory Entity (ENARGAS), headed by María Fernanda Martínez, Manager of Vehicular Natural Gas, and Graciela Bravo, Manager of Innovation and Standardization, accompanied by their teams.
Arpel – Naturgas 2024
We were part of the ARPEL-NATURGAS week in Cartagena de Indias, a prominent event in the regional energy industry. In Latin America and the...
National Gas Day
Every March 5, National Gas Day is celebrated, in memory of the creation of the National Gas Directorate (which would later become State Gas) in...
Aspro School Aspro School in Tigre industrial plant This year Aspro School opens its doors to the community...
12/13: Oil and Gas Day
📌 Every December 13, in our country, National Oil and Gas Day is celebrated in commemoration of the discovery of the first deposit...
Aspro at AOG Expo 2023
We were part of Argentina Oil & Gas Expo 2023, the main event for the hydrocarbon industry in the region. It is estimated that they attended...
Aspro workshop with SINERGÁS in Brazil
During the month of August Aspro made a visit to Brazil, where it gave a workshop and met with the commercial team of SINERGÁS, the leading company...
World Environment Day
World Environment Day is commemorated on June 5, established in 1972 at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,...
Aspro at AltFuels 2023
Last week Aspro stood out at AltFuels 2023 Peru, the most important alternative fuels event in the region. The exhibition...
Aspro at Expo Red 2023
Aspro stand at ExpoRed Aspro was present at Expo Red 2023, the most...
Trafigura delegation in Aspro
This March 15, a delegation from Trafigura came to see our plant in Tigre. The visit was made up of representatives of Puma Energy Tanzania, Mozambique, for South Africa and Argentina.
We received a delegation from India
This March 2 and 3 at Aspro we received a delegation from Indraprastha Gas Ltd., made up of the marketing manager and two operations managers...
World Wildlife Day
This March 3 is World Nature Day, approved by the UN in 2013 in order to raise public awareness about the importance of wildlife and...
Aspro provided training at AGESP - Aspro
🟦 On February 23, Raúl Herrera, our commercial manager for Latin America, provided training at the Association of Taps and Stations...
World energy day: towards the energy transition
As established by the United Nations in 1949, World Energy Day is commemorated every February 14...