Aspro workshop with SINERGÁS in Brazil

During the month of August Aspro made a visit to Brazil, where it gave a workshop and met with the commercial team of SYNERGAS, the leading company in compression systems in your country. Both companies have an unparalleled opportunity ahead of them to lead the way towards the energy transition in the region.

In the meeting with the SINERGÁS commercial team, they discussed the new opportunities in the gas and biogas market within the current context. Today, the gas market in Brazil is seeing tremendous growth and has great potential ahead.

Raúl Herrera in the Aspro workshop with Sinergás

This is largely thanks to its promotion policy for the production and consumption of gas, which is yielding excellent results. It is for this reason that more and more companies are involved in gas compression and sale projects. So much so that in the region it is the most developed market in the production of biogas for both generation, industry and mobility. Within this great opportunity, the flow of queries by our teams has grown a lot in recent times.

Aspro and SINERGÁS have a key opportunity in Brazil

SINERGÁS is the undisputed leader in the segment of installation and technical assistance in natural gas compression systems in Brazil. For this reason, the workshop provided by Aspro was used to reinforce certain commercial concepts. Among these, we can highlight the detection of opportunities, the different types of clients and market players, advice for the viability of the projects and their scalability, and how to approach the different projects to provide technical solutions, either with the teams we have as with new developments. The workshop was led by Gustavo Frontera and Raúl Herrera, global commercial manager and commercial manager in Latin America, respectively.

NGV growth in Brazil

As in the case of Brazil, natural gas is seeing strong growth thanks to its economic and environmental advantages. Therefore, opportunities like this are crucial to continue strengthening ties within the industry and thus continue the path to energy transition.

At Aspro we are proud to be able to work in synergy with a company that is a leader in the market and that is aligned with our objectives in terms of sustainability.

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